Show Notes

Business Tips, Entrepreneurship

March 15, 2023

Ep. 112 The Benefits of Self-Education: Learn How Online Courses Can Transform Your Business

Have you ever considered investing in some kind of educational resource for your small business to help you grow? Whether it be an online course, a webinar, or even one-on-one coaching – understanding the pros and cons of it all is essential to making sure your investment pays off. 

In this episode, Danielle shares her experience as a small business owner who has both purchased online courses to help her business, as well as created and sells educational resources online to help support other small biz owners. 

She talks about the importance of knowing and trusting the person you’re investing in, having a goal in mind for what you want to accomplish, and finding the balance between spending time building your business and spending money on it. 

So if you’re considering investing in educational resources for your business, this episode is for you!

In this episode, we cover:

  • The growth of the course industry through social media 
  • Skepticism around online courses and who offers them 
  • How taking courses can help you grow your business in different directions 
  • The first course Danielle took that helped her learn how to pitch brands and negotiate deals
  • Why you should first understand what your business needs before taking a course
  • Another course she took that taught her everything she needed to know about starting a podcast
  • Investing in a course vs trying to figure out things on your own
  • Key points you should consider before purchasing a course  
  • How this most recent course about art licensing has been a goal of Danielle to complete
  • Final piece of advice for those considering investing in education for their business

The Comprehensive Guide to Hand Lettering

The Comprehensive Guide to Hand Lettering is an 80-page paperback book written by Danielle and available on Amazon. The guide covers everything a beginner or experienced letterer needs to know in order to create your own signature style, including how to write each letter, string letters together into words, and how you can define your own unique style with tips and secret techniques from me! Pick up your copy now on Amazon




For more info, updates, and BTS, make sure to follow me on @detailsandswirls!

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