Show Notes

Business Tips

January 6, 2021

EP02. 5 Steps To Creating a Work-Life Balance

I will be the first to admit I am as a female entrepreneur I am a workaholic, but it is because I LOVE working on building my creative business! Even though we want to pour our entire heart and soul into building our empire, it is so important to focus on our mental health and well being outside of our business.

Can any other boss babes out there relate in struggling to find this work life balance?

I thought it would be so much easier to balance work and life running my own business and boy was I so wrong! I’ve developed 5 steps that have helped me develop a work life balance as an entrepreneur:

  1. Develop a morning routine – Creating a morning routine sets aside time for just ourselves in the morning. This does not have to be long, but set aside time in the morning when you wake up before doing anything work related. 
  2. Turn off all notifications – Turn off all social media notifications as well as email notifications. We want to be in control of the time we set aside for our business social media and emails. We can set aside time throughout our day to manage these messages instead of seeing a constant reminder and distraction throughout all hours of the day.
  3. Set a broad daily schedule & 3 intentions for the day – Create a broad daily schedule for your work days with a strict start and end time. Set 1-3 intentions for your day so you are able to feel accomplished and turn off at the end of each work day.
  4. Limit social media intake – Be intentional with the time you are spending on your business social media account, and flip your account back to your personal account at the end of every day
  5. Plan adventures outside of work – Plan out hobbies to do outside of your business so you do not end up working out of boredom. Planning out time for yourself to enjoy activities outside of your business is essential to recharging and resting.

Thank you to Flodesk for sponsoring today’s episode of The Detailed Diary Podcast! Click here for you 30-day free trial, and click here to read more about why I LOVE Flodesk!

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