Show Notes

Business Tips, Details and Swirls, Entrepreneurship, Planning

July 13, 2022

Ep.78 The Day-To-Day of a Small Business Owner: What my Schedule Looks Like

If you’re thinking about starting a small business, you might be wondering what a typical day looks like. Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as every business is unique. And in this episode, we’ll be going over what my day-to-day looks like as a small business owner.

I’ll be sharing with you guys my daily routine, from what time I wake up, and what I do first thing in the morning, to how I wrap up my days at night. I’ll be giving actionable tips on how to stay productive, both in and out of your home office, and how to create a schedule that works for you.

So if you’ve been wondering how you should be spending your days as a small business owner, this episode is for you!

In this episode, we cover:

  • How to better understand your limits and adjust your business time accordingly
  • The  importance of taking time for yourself
  • The benefits of having a structured schedule
  • How to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time blocks
  • Why you need to be flexible with your schedule
  • How to find time for the things you love outside of working your business
  • My final thoughts on creating a schedule that works for you

The Details and Swirls Pricing Method
Do you feel like you struggle to determine the pricing of your products for your small business? Does it feel like you are pulling numbers out of the air, or even worse, just basing your prices on what you think is “normal” in your industry? Believe me, I’ve been there too. What if I told you I have a system for setting attainable pricing in your business that allows you to adjust to the ever-increasing inflation of supplies, ensure profit, save for taxes, and so much MORE! Throughout the Details and Swirls Pricing Method course, I am teaching you my NO FAIL method for pricing your products with profit and long-term success in mind! This course is for the small business owner who needs a profitable and scalable pricing model. Absolutely no business or accounting experience is necessary, just a business owner like you who is ready to get serious about profit and growth in your business! Click here for more info


For more inspiring content that will help you take action toward the life and biz you truly desire, follow me on Instagram @detaileddiarypodcast

  1. […] Ep.78 The Day-To-Day of a Small Business Owner: What My Schedule Looks Like […]

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