Show Notes

Business Tips, Content Tips, Entrepreneurship, Guest Feature, Inspiration, Q+A, Side Hustle, Social Media Tips

April 26, 2023

Ep. 118 Rosalia Nava: How Can You Adapt and Thrive in a Changing Business Climate? | Simple Southern Designs

Managing and expanding a small business can be challenging, especially with the ever-changing business industry. You might feel stuck, not knowing how to move forward and adapt to the environment. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

In this episode, Danielle chats with Rosalia of Simple Southern Designs, an entrepreneur and small business owner who has made it her mission to create beautiful signs that delight customers and help them express their joy and creativity.  

Rosalia talks about how she got started in the industry, the challenges of running a small biz, and her goals for growth in the coming years. She also shares some inspiring words of advice that she lives by to help stay grounded as an entrepreneur.

So if you’re a small business owner feeling a bit discouraged, tune in now to hear some inspiration and encouragement to keep going!

In this episode, we cover:

  • Rosalia’s background and how she started her business
  • Valuable marketing tips you can use to showcase your business
  • Why you need to build connections and maintain long-term relationships with customers
  • Adapting to changes in business and finding new opportunities during “slow seasons” 
  • Rosalia shares how her parents and their immigration from Mexico inspire her to keep going
  • How networking with local vendors and the community can help business growth
  • Final piece of advice from Rosalia and words of encouragement for aspiring entrepreneurs

Connect with Rosalia
Website: https://simplesoutherndesigns.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplesoutherndesigns/



For more info, updates, and BTS, make sure to follow me on @detailsandswirls!

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