Show Notes

Business Tips, Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Side Hustle

June 9, 2024

Ep. 175: Crafting Your Creative Process: A System for Navigating Creative Ruts


  • Brief overview of Patreon tiers: Detailed Devotees, Swirl Squad, Danielle’s Mentee Crew.
  • Weekly and monthly content releases on Patreon.
  • Recap of recent Swirl Squad videos and bonus podcast episodes.

Monthly Patreon Release:

  • June 1st bonus podcast episode: Adapting to changing trends in business.
  • Free wallpaper release for all patrons.
  • Swirl Squad June schedule announcement.
  • Recent Swirl Squad video: Understanding profit margin in business.

Main Topic: Navigating Creativity and Inspiration in Business

  • Personal reflection on creative ruts and challenges faced as a busy entrepreneur and mother.
  • Approach to finding inspiration from diverse sources: nature, textures, interiors, etc.
  • Organizational method for saving and categorizing inspiration images.
  • Strategy for planning creative projects in advance, allowing for a leisurely pace and flexibility.
  • Discussion on refining digital designs for potential licensing opportunities.
  • Advice on adapting the creative process to different business models (e.g., digital design, handmade crafts).


  • Recap of key points discussed in the episode.
  • Teaser for next week’s guest interview.
  • Appreciation for listeners and encouragement to engage with the podcast community.

Key Takeaways:

  • Organize and categorize inspiration images for creative projects.
  • Plan creative projects in advance to allow for a flexible and leisurely creative process.
  • Adapt the creative process to suit different business models and goals.

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